Interview | 堺の包丁を世界へ「包丁どっとこむ」



How to save declining kitchen knife sales in Sakai

He started to think about handling kitchen knives made in Sakai 20 years ago after he took part in the rental server and internet trading business.
“My friend of a knife sharpener whose father was a traditional craftsman in Sakai asked me to help the wholesale business in Tokyo.” Kitchen knives in Sakai were normally sold by traveling merchants. They stocked the goods in Sakai, loaded them on a truck and travel hot spring districts around Japan.
They sold the goods to hotel chefs in the hot spring districts. There were enough merchants 25 years ago but many of them were around their 60’s and there was no one to take over the business. What would happen to Sakai kitchen knives and those who use them after they left the job?” So he began selling the kitchen knives on the net.





“I could do that business successfully without any restraints because I didn’t have any acquaintances with people in the knife industry.”
Mr. Matsuda uploaded various kitchen knives from those for house-wives to those for professional chefs and they started selling day by day. At his opening, the bubble economy allowed chefs to afford the goods.
“Many chefs purchased as many as three sets so that they could use them for different purposes in depending on the recipes. For instance, bronze knives are hard while white coated ones are a little softer. Nowadays they buy only one set, but often request a mirror surface for the open kitchen. They consider appearance in front of customers.”
These days, many orders are coming from abroad.
“Several years ago, these orders were mostly from Japanese chefs who worked overseas, but now more orders are coming from foreign student chefs. They order not only kitchen knives, but also whetstones in spite of their heaviness and handling charge.”
“” deals only in Sakai kitchen knives because he feels a sense of danger to the reality of the situation in Sakai.
I suggest Sakai kitchen knives should disappear at this rate. Once it had around a 90% share but now it is around a 60%. It would be shrinking even more without the internet.”
He feels the internet business itself also has passed its peak.
“The whole internet trading is declining. The IT industry also seems to start be settling down. I think the kitchen knife industry should spread their skills and information and try new material, and so on.”

Next :松田さんが堺にもたらしたもの

Next :What Mr. Matsuda brought to Sakai

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