Culture | 深夜の工場見学、堺あなご専門店『松井泉』


Grilled conger eels are let cool on trays before the last sequence. Workers need to inspect the condition of each fully cooked conger eels.
Mr. Matsui and workers check many cooked eels one after another, and sort them depending on purchase orders.
“All the steps are supposed to be finished by 4 am”, said Matsui.



The time when they finish operation depends on the opening hour of the fish market.
Because the market opens early in the morning, it’s natural that they should begin operation during midnight in order to offer “steaming hot conger eels”.
“Our business day is synchronized with that of the market. Therefore, the factory closes every Sunday and every other Wednesday as well as the market does”, said Matsui.
As it used to be a wholesale dealer, the schedule of the factory is harmonized with that of the market.
For a long time, people couldn’t enjoy MATSUI’s grilled conger eel without going to Sushi-bar or fancy Japanese-style restaurant.
By and by, Toshiyuki took over the store and began retail business, setting up “ANAGO GOYA”, their first retail shop, in front of the main factory in Sakai city in 2013, and opening another branch shop in which we can eat the commodity right after the shopping, in SENHOKU TAKASHIMAYA in 2014.
As these efforts enable ordinary customers to get high-quality conger eels more casually than before, MATSUI-SEN has gained a growing reputation today.
Now, won’t you enjoy “SAKAI ANAGO”, the traditional grilled conger eel, at dinner this evening?

次回更新予定: 松井泉社長インタビュー。さらにディープなあなごの世界をお楽しみに。
Next planed update: Interview of Mr. Matsui to introduce deeper world of conger eels

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