Interview | 堺市姉妹都市、ニュージーランド・ウェリントン市 セリア・ウェイド=ブラウン市長インタビュー


An interview with Wellington Mayor Celia Wade-Brown

20 years have passed since Wellington City, the capital of New Zealand, and Sakai City in Japan established a sister city relationship.
A variety of events were held in Sakai in other to celebrate the 20th anniversary, and the mayor of Wellington, Celia Wade-Brown, visited Sakai City during the period. New Zealand is known as an agricultural country having rich natures, being famous for keeping the numbers of sheep it has.
We &Rice-team  fortunately got an opportunity to have an interview with the mayor when the food and product fair of New Zealand was held at “Harvest Hill”. Under the beautiful sunshine in early summer, we were able to have a wonderful time with the mayor Wade-Brown and vice mayor Hazama through the interview.




セリア・ウェイド=ブラウン市長(以下、ウェイド=ブラウン市長):堺に来るのは2度目です。来るたびに両市の友情が深くなっていくようで嬉しいです。今日は、この『ハーベストの丘』でハカ(ダンス)※1 を観てワクワクしました。まだまだ交流する余地は沢山あると感じました。





狭間副市長:この20年間で、堺ウェリントン協会を中心とした親善使節団の派遣、行政交流、中学生交流、文化交流、スポーツ交流等が行われ、年を経るごとに交流が深まっています。今回、南大阪地域大学コンソーシアムとEducation Wellingtonとの間で覚書が締結されます。高校生、大学生、留学生の拡大等、教育交流の更なる充実が期待されます。

樋口:留学先としてはますます身近になりそうですが、スポーツ交流というとどういうものがありますでしょうか? ニュージーランドのスポーツといえばラグビーですよね。





Exchanges of Wellington City and Sakai City
Higuchi: Welcome to Sakai! Is it the first time for you to come here?
Mayor Celia Wade-Brown (Following, Mayor Wade-Brown): It is my second time. I’m glad to feel that the friendship between two cities is becoming closer and closer. It made my heart beat faster to hear Haka (Dance) show at “Harvest Hill” and felt that there may be still have some room for exchanging.
Higuchi : Actually, there’s been growing contacts between Wellington and Sakai, for instance, the post for exchange student is rotated every other year between the two countries.
Translator: I have also come to Sakai City through JET program (program for inviting young English speakers)
Higuchi: He is also a proof of friendship!
Mayor Wade-Brown: Exactly, we have encouraged children and teachers to deepen exchanges. Of course not only in case of overseas education but also in case of sightseeing, we would like to promote the contacts from Sakai to Wellington as well as ones from Wellington to Sakai.
Vice mayor Hazama: During the past twenty years, the relationships between two cities have been deepened year by year through sending a goodwill mission and various types of exchange program for public officials, junior high school students, people of culture and athletes. By the agreement of University Consortium of Southern Osaka and Education Wellington for a memorandum at this time, I hope that the educational exchanges will become more and more popular among high-school and college students.
Higuchi: It seems that New Zealand will be more familiar for us as a nation to study abroad. What do you think about sports interchanges? Speaking of Sports, rugby is one of the national sports of New Zealand,is it?
Mayor Wade-Brown: That’s right. We are very proud of “All Blacks”.
Vice mayor Hazama: I think we are able to promote our friendships through Rugby. At the Rugby world cup in 2019 held in Japan, we are going to offer the place of training camp for All Blacks to J-Green Sakai.
Mayor Wade-Brown: Excellent!
Higuchi: That’s exciting! It will attract a lot of rugby fans!


Next : The city of bicycle, Sakai and the capital of mountain biking, Wellington


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