Interview | 竹山修身堺市長対談 【前編】

「堺市のトップセールスマン」といえば竹山修身市長。堺市の「食」と「食にまつわる文化」をアピールする『&Rice』としては、お話を伺わないわけにはいきません。堺区黒土町の竹山修身事務所にて、竹山修身市長と『& Rice』プロデューサーの樋口恵介の対談が実現しました。(2014.3)

Interview with Mayor of Sakai City.
The top salesman of the city of Sakai is unquestionably its Mayor, Mr. Osami Takeyama.  The producer of the site ‘& Rice’, Mr. Higuchi Keisuke, had the chance to talk to Mayor Takeyama about the currently undertaken projects in order to promote the city of Sakai in Japan and overseas.



樋口 「竹山さん。これまでの市長の発言を拝見していると、常々『堺の知名度は低い』とおっしゃってますね」
竹山 「はい。20ある政令指定都市の中でも知名度でいえばボトムの方ではないかと思います。先日、世界遺産の関係で東京のイベントに出席したんですが、仁徳天皇陵(大仙陵古墳)や百舌鳥古墳群は皆さんご存知でも、堺にあることはご存じでない。120~30人の出席者の全員が古墳群を知っているのに、堺を知ってますかと挙手をもとめたら1割ぐらいの人しかいない」
樋口 「それは驚きですね」
竹山 「前衆議院議員の森山浩行さんも、よその地方へ行くと『境港ですか?』と聞き返されると言っています」
樋口 「水木しげるの『ゲゲゲの鬼太郎』で有名な鳥取県の境港市に間違えられるんですか」
樋口 「むしろ京都のイメージでしょうね」
竹山 「与謝野晶子さんにしても、若くして堺を出たので『堺』の人と思われていません。堺の人は『もののはじまりみな堺』といいますが、それを知っているのは堺の人だけかもしれません」
樋口 「だからこそ、市長自らセールスマンとして堺をPRしなければならないというお考えなんですね」
竹山 「ええ、そうなんです」

— Reality check

Keisuke Higuchi(KH): Mayor Takeyama, in past interviews you have repeatedly mentioned the fact that the city of Sakai is not well known domestically or internationally. Is it the case that we need a reality check?
Mayor Takeyama (MT): Yes. Sakai is one of the 20 ordinance-designated cities in Japan but in terms of name recognition, I believe we are quite behind. There is still a lot to do to improve our position. I was in Tokyo the other day to attend a meeting related to the World Heritage sites. People I met knew about the Mausoleum of the Emperor Nintoku and the Mozu Kofungun but they did not know much about the city of Sakai. There were approximately 130 people attending the meeting, and they all knew about the Mozu Kofungun. As for the city of Sakai, maybe ten percent  only, I guess…

KH: That is quite unbelievable.
MT: Even with the establishment of the cultural and tourism centre in honour of Sen no Rikyu, to be completed in 2015, the awareness about the city of Sakai is still very low.

KH: Probably, most people associate Sen no Rikyu with Kyoto, right?
MT: Yes, likewise with Akiko Yosano, who was born in Sakai but left the city very young. People from Sakai like to say that “All things started in Sakai” but that might be  only known among the locals!




— The Sakai Brand

KH: Why do you think it is important to promote the Sakai brand domestically and internationally?
MT: Because it leads to a healthy sense of belonging, civic pride, so to say, among our citizens.

KH: The city of Sakai has promoted a series of PR activities overseas, including one in the city of New York, but I think most citizens are not aware of those activities.
MT: That is right. It is a long-term endeavour. Above all, it is important that the PR activities are pursued not only by the public sector but that they involve the direct participation of the citizens of Sakai. Our goal will only be achieved with the support of our citizens, there is no doubt about that.

Next : 観光地として努力

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