My '& Rice' | 竹山市長の ”& Rice”

– 今は健康的な食生活の竹山さんですが、柔道6段の腕前で若い頃は相当ごはんも食べられたのでは?


– Today, you keep up of enjoying healthy food.I heard (that) you had devoted yourself to JUDO in your youth.Do you used to have much rice at that time?
[Takeyama] Now, I’m not able to manage the time for practicing Judo, only once in two months, however I spent all my time for Judo when I was  in junior high school. When I was a university student, I really wanted to gain my weight to 90kg from 73-74kg to get over but it was almost impossible as we trained so hard, I couldn’t make it possible even though I ate 2-3 big bawls of rice!


– そんなご飯が大好きな竹山市長の「& Rice」といえば?

竹山 「大学の時、夜はなじみの学生食堂で、サバのフライで何杯もごはんを食べましたよ。静岡のその食堂では、季節の野菜料理も好きになりましたね。それにお漬物ですね! これはいつも言ってるんですが、地元堺の伊勢屋(伊勢屋食品(株))さんの漬物が好きなんです。塩分は控えめで、甘辛さのブレンドが丁度いい。初夏には水なす漬が最高やし、水ナス以外もとてもおいしい」

– 大学は静岡、お勤めは府庁と外に出た経験もある市長。最後に堺の魅力を一言。

竹山 「外に出て客観的に見ても堺はいいところだとつくづく感じましたね。他人のことを思いやる。お節介なおばちゃん、おっちゃんが多い町。人間関係が希薄な時代だからこそ大切なことだと思います」

– What is your ”& Rice”  as a Rice lover?
[Takeyama] I ate plenty of rice with fried mackerels at the familiar cafeterias in my collage days. I came to like vegetables of the season at there. And yes, Pickles is my best! I’m always saying that the pickles of ISEYA (ISEYA K.K.) from Sakai are my best. They have the pickles lesss salty and  sweetness/dryness seasoning is perfect for me. Pickled eggplant is the best in the early summer, other than this is very tasty, though.
– Lastly, can I have your message from mayor about seduction of Sakai?
[Takeyama] Even considered objectively, honestly Sakai is an attractive city. Lots of meddling people having a kind heart. Since friend ship is getting week these days, it is very important to consider that.


文・渕上 哲也 写真・正畑 綾子 翻訳・岩崎 美波

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